Unicorns and the Advantages of Microservices - Part 1

A decade ago, microservices burst onto the scene, promising to revolutionize software development and streamline complex systems. Yet, as we look back on their impact, I believe the promised benefits, even when materialized, have led to a tremendous increase in complexity and costs. In this blog post, we'll…

Platform as a Product: How to set your objectives

While, as engineers, we often focus on engineering metrics (throughput, availability, security, for example) for growing a platform, I think it is more important to ensure the correct product metrics are in place. I'm not advocating for forgetting about non-functional requirements. Still, I think those should often sit…

Panel: How to drive the creation of a Platform

Last week I was part of a Panel discussing Platform teams/products with Gábor Csomák, Jason Dryhurst-Smith, Ketan Gupta, and our fantastic host Michael Sullivan. The recording is now available, and it covers a lot of exciting topics on Internal Platforms (think your Cloud team) or External Platforms (think Amazon…

Why your API is not a Platform

In November, I co-presented a talk on Scaling Babylon's Workflow platform [https://simonecasciaroli.com/scaling-babylon-worfkflow-platform/]. While you can watch the recording in the link above to understand how we transitioned and what adjustments we made on our path to becoming a platform team, I want to focus this…